Sunday, June 26, 2011 \\ 0 comment(s)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 \\ 0 comment(s)
hao de shi qing by Yan Jue :D
enjoy ~
tomorrow we're having sports carnival at Stadium Tun Fatimah . yay ! and its holiday for us on friday . i'm having great weekend ahead :D enjoy , enjoy myself .
" If you dont go after what you want , you'll never have it . if you dont ask , the answer is always no . if you dont step forward , you're always in the same place . "
Sunday, June 19, 2011 \\ 0 comment(s)
went to celebrate Bernice's birthday yesterday in the morning and have breakfast together at a kopitiam near Station 1 Cafe :D
watched this movie at night with Tzu En and some other friends . closed my ears during the whole movie ! really scary :/ Tzu En kept blocking her view with her bag . LOL this movie is about the father who just want a home for his family and avoid the mother-in-law . sad ending . the father shot himself as he thought he had killed his son ):

trailer (:
anyway , today is father's day so i wanna wish all the fathers out there , HAPPY FATHER'S DAY !
" Still waiting for the best day of my life to happen ."
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 \\ 0 comment(s)
people come into your life for a reason , a season or a lifetime . when you know which one it is , you will know what to do for that person . when someone is in your life for a reason , it is usually to meet a need you have expressed . they have come to assist you through a difficulty , to provide you with guidance and support , to aid you physically , emotionally or spiritually . they may seem like a godsend and they are . they are there for the reason you need them to be . then , without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time , this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end . sometimes they die . sometimes they walk away . sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand . what we must realize is that our need has been met , our desire fulfilled , their work is done . the prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on .some people come into your life for a season , because your turn has come to share , grow or learn . they bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh . they may teach you something you have never done . they usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy . believe it , it is real . but only for a season .
lifetime relationships teach you lifetime lessons , things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation . your job is to accept the lesson , love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life . it is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant .
thank you for being a part of my life , whether you were a reason , a season or a lifetime .
" But you're not mine to miss anymore . . "
Friday, June 10, 2011 \\ 0 comment(s)
had my lunch , and currently back to my blog . visited someone's page just now and makes me think . there are many people in this world , from different backgrounds , different stories each . do you ever have the feeling of wanting to be friend with someone , and know them personally ? we get rejected sometimes , people wouldnt talk to you as strangers . how are we gonna be close to them ? i often let this feeling go as time passes . to this 'someone' , we must learn to be strong and stand on our own . nobody is gonna lead our life for us , even our parents or partners in the future . we are born alone anyway , so why blame God ? you have an amazing job , happy family and friends to accompany you . sometimes , we can be emotional but dont let our emotions to conquer us . put yourself in other peoples' shoes and stop complaining . embrace life and we will be happy , im sure , my friend . (: " Enjoy life and never look back . "
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 \\ 0 comment(s)
registered . and paid . so im going to start my economic tuition soon . mummy brought me to the tuition centre yesterday . the teacher was Mr. Ng . mummy went to enquire bout this tuition earlier and the clerk told her that this teacher was good . his upper six classes are full but not the same with lower six . brother went for his tuition last time . i thought the class would be really full of people but my guess are wrong . when i first knocked on the door and went in , i saw 5 girls sitting in the class .___. he was a very tall man , around 50-60 years old . previously a teacher of High School . (: he asked which school i was in and i told him , his reply was ' yea , now High School no more good Economy teacher . the best , Mr. Hong is gonna retire soon . ' i know , he didnt teach my class . not even any lower six classes in my school . my class was taught by En. Hj. Saufie . i'll be going for the tuition starting this friday . it will be on every tuesday and friday . and there goes my routine of walking to tuition classes for the coming one and a half year more ." No more complaining . "
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 \\ 0 comment(s)
today , woke up at around 10 , charged my phones and used sister's laptop to go online . the streamyx line is so slow . ): Hui Ming came and fetched me at 12 . we went to Dataran Pahlawan to do our PA homeworks and presentations . walked around Mahkota Parade first as Hui Ming wanted to buy few hair clips . searched Sinma and Young Collection but the hair clips they have there are too expensive . one fancy hair band can cost up tp RM12.90 ! at last , she bought them at Naughty , a hair accessories shop near Sushi King . after that , Hui Ming went to her car and took her things while i called Juo-yee . she told me her car has been scratched badly when she wanted to park her car . we quickly walked over to DP underground carpark . i have mistaken F03 for S03 where her car was . Hui Ming and I walked round the carpark and even asked the security guards . her car was indeed badly scratched . sorry , i couldnt describe about the scratch , and didnt take a picture of it too because we're all tired , furious and sweaty . then , we went to DP McDonald's . waited a family to leave the specific table near the switch part . we wanted to use it to plug in our laptop . dropped my plug at first then Juo-yee dropped her mouse . searched for the PA presentation and suddenly there is smoke appearing from my sister's laptop battery wires . a few minutes later i calmed myself down and saw a tiny hole burnt near the wire . thought nothing would happen anymore , the wire suddenly popped fire and Hui Ming quickly switched off the plug . luckily the whole McD didnt short-circuited . called my mum soon after and smsed my sister . tried to on the laptop back home , failed ! sighs what an unlucky day .
" No , we're not dating , but he's still mine . (: "
Monday, June 6, 2011 \\ 0 comment(s)
after so long of MIA , i finally found my... LONG LOST BLOG ! hahaha.. didnt even thought of it before this, when my friend, jacqueline ang said she has a blog. so tired of recovering emails, google accounts.. so i guess, i'll be active blogger from now on? hmmm..